CNN: Netanyahu’s Future in Jeopardy as Election Is Deadlocked

‘This has a huge implications for the U.S. Israeli relations’


You know, of course in Israel you have to form a coalition and it doesn’t look at this stage like he is going to be able to do that or even that he would be invited to do that. And that has huge implications for Netanyahu because, of course, he is facing several corruption charges, indictments. What does this mean for his future if he was prime minister he would be protected largely from that, he wouldn’t have to resign. But if he’s a minister or lesser member of the Knesset then he would potentially have to resign. And so it has a lot of implications internally for Israeli politics but as you mentioned as well on the world stage this has implication because of this very close relationship between Prime Minister Netanyahu and President Trump. Before the April election we saw Trump go out on a limb recognize the Golan Heights. He sent Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to the Western Wall. He declared the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps, a terrorist organization. And again, before this election, again, he went out and tweeted that the two of them had been having phone calls, that they were looking into the possibility of establishing a defense pact. It’s unlikely even if Benny Gantz is able to form a government and he becomes the next prime minister there’s going to be huge implications for U.S.-Israeli relations which would likely continue to be strong. But still, President Trump is definitely watching this election closely and it would be a loss for him if president -- if Prime Minister Netanyahu loses."

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