Jackie Speier on Lewandowski Hearing: ‘He Intended to Obstruct Justice Once Again’

‘He had no interest in complying with this actual subpoena outside of showing up’


SPEIER: "Well, there was a fair amount of theatrics being played out by both Mr. Collins and by Mr. Lewandowski. I think you have to look at Mr. Lewandowski as an adverse witness. He had no interest in complying with this actual subpoena outside of showing up. He intended to obstruct justice once again, frankly, by not being willing to give answers to questions by the Democrats. I think if I were Mr. Nadler right now, I would be slapping Mr. Lewandowski with an inherent contempt order and calling him in front of the House of Representatives and fining him. Because he is a key witness. Because in the Mueller report there were ten incidents where Mr. Mueller said, but for the Department of Justice decision, the guidance that they would not file an action against the seated president, that there would not be an indictment made, this is one of the key elements that shows the President was attempting to obstruct justice by giving Corey Lewandowski a script that he was supposed to turn over to then Jeff Sessions, the Attorney General, to stop the Mueller investigation."

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