Trump on Russia Probe: It Was a ‘Hoax’ and a ‘Witch Hunt’

‘This was a terrible thing that happened to our country’


TRUMP: "I will leave that that up to the attorney general. To me, looks like a redo. Here’s what’s happened. The report comes back, it’s perfect. It’s beautiful. There is no collusion. Nobody even talks about collusion. You know, I haven’t heard the word 'Russia' in a long time. There’s no more talk about Russia. What happened to Russia? The Russian witch hunt, they don’t talk about it because it was so on collusion, which, by the way, is by far — that’s the big deal. Because it was all about Russia. I haven’t heard the word 'Russia.' They don’t use the word 'Russia' anymore. There is no crime. There never was a crime. It was a hoax. It was a witch hunt. So this comes back, and it comes back totally exonerating Donald Trump and a lot of other people. This was a terrible thing that happened to our country. Now, I will tell you what they are asking — they are asking about, 'How did this whole thing start? That’s what people want to know. And I have to tell you, I had an event last night, a lot of you were there. Thousands and thousands of people standing in a field. They’ve never seen anything like it, meaning even the press. But it’s always that way. We’ve never had an empty seat. Thousands of people last night. You know what they want to know? 'How did this whole thing start?' It’s going to be hard for them to answer that."

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