Trump Introduces Ron DeSantis in Tampa: ‘He’s Going To Be Your Next Governor’

‘I would like to introduce a true leader, a proud veteran, my great friend, a tough, brilliant cookie’


TRUMP: "I am thrilled to be in this great state where we, by the way, had a great victory. With thousands of hardworking American patriots who love our country and respect our great American flag. We are honored to be joined tonight by some tremendous people. Congressman Gus. Where is Gus? Wears Gus? Ted Yoho. And Matt Gates, thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, fellas. I also want to recognize state representative Jose Olivo and the former cochairman of my Florida campaign, representative Joe girders. Thank you. Thank you. And finally, I love you too. I would like to introduce a true leader, a proud veteran, my great friend, a tough, brilliant cookie. True. He’s tough, he’s smart and he loves Florida and he loves our country and he’s going to be your next governor, Ron Desantis."

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